Lets know about menstruation.
What is Menstruation?
Everybody must have idea regarding Menstruation.It is a natural process.It occurs monthly and sometimes in between the months.It is regular discharge of blood from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina.It is normal.If it occurs twice a month,there is abnormality in menstruation cycle.Having no discharge of blood in a month also denotes that there is irregular menstrual cycle and should consult the doctor as soon as possible.Therefore,all females must concern about the cycle of menstruation.
This cycle is very much important for the production of oocytes and to make pregnancy possible.The first menstrual cycle generally occurs at 12 to 15 years of age in women called as menarche.The typical days in between 2 menstrual cycle is 28 days.The menstrual cycle lasts for 2 to 7 days in young women.
Though it is a natural process,women are still hesitating regarding menstruation.In many societies still women have to face lots of humiliation in these periods like they can't touch their father,elder brother or any male sex.They even cannot enter inside the room or they cannot sleep in the bed.They have to sleep in the floor,They are kept inside the dark room.These are just the example.There are many other things which we cannot even imagine and sometimes it is the matter of shame that educate people also do the same work like others do.Young women cannot enter the temple in between their periods.As we all know,menstrual cycle is nothing but just a natural process.Learning all these stuffs,there is also a serious matter regarding menstruation.
In many villages or areas of Nepal and India,young women are still using the cotton cloths in between their periods.They still feel hesitation in using the sanitary pads.Some women living in remote areas do not even know about the sanitary pads.And there might be another reason that they cannot afford those sanitary pads.Some women still do not even know how to use it.So Government should allow those sanitary pads free of cost to those women.Those women should be given health education regarding the side effects of using those cotton pads which are dirty and can affect the health of the women.
As contraceptive device like condom is free,Government must make sanitary pads also free of cost.It will make the girls free of going anywhere with her full confidence.She can step her leg forward without any hesitation.These things must be known to everyone.As women are the building block of any country,everyone must take concern regarding their health.
Present Condition
As you know that the women are still ignorant towards the menstruation cycle,they have to suffer a lot during their periods.Most women in rural and remote areas use dirty clothes which causes them different types of reproductive diseases.
Ignorant and illiterate people are mostly superstitious and they follow many superstitious custom.Among them,one of the superstitious custom is chaupadi pratha.In this custom,the women having periods must be away from home and should not enter the home until her period ends.Women have to eat and sleep outside the home in a small hut until the periods ends.They think that the women becomes impure during the days of period which is totally superstitious.Many women have to lose their life due to this custom as they do not get proper health care and love from her family.This custom is a crime in Nepal and somehow people have started to leave this custom.
However,government and different NGOs and INGOs in Nepal and India are working to make people aware about the menstruation cycle and its real concept.They are working to end bad social practices and custom like chaupadi pratha.
People still feel hesitate to talk about menstruation.We should take it normally because it is a natural process.
Lets end the barrier between male and female.
Menstruation is a natural process and it is a nature's way of telling that you are growing.
Hope your idea will bring positive thinking towards our society.